Residential Closing & Escrow Services

We will work hand in hand with you through every step of the closing process so you can feel comfortable throughout the real estate transaction. Our agents will keep you updated on the latest changes to the closing process, ensuring timely communication and processing. Customer service guaranteed.

Title Searches & Examinations

Records searched include deeds, mortgages, paving assessments, liens, wills, divorce settlements and other documents affecting title to the property. Title examination is the examination of the documents found during the title search that affect the title to the property. This is when verification of the legal owner is made and the debts owed against the property are determined. Upon completion of the search and examination, a title commitment/ preliminary report is prepared, reviewed and sent out to interested parties.

Real Estate Title Insurance Solutions

Once the title to the real estate has been verified we issue a title insurance policy which insures against events that occurred in the past of the real estate property and the people who owned it. Title insurance is a one-time premium paid at the close of the escrow. Buyers and lenders need title insurance in order to be insured against various possible title defects. The buyer, seller and lender all benefit from a title insurance policy. 

Serving the Cameron County Community

We currently serve the Cameron County Community with our base location in Brownsville, TX. We are here to serve our community with quality service and attention to detail.

Have a Question? Call us:(956) 253-1880

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